Hello & welcome to the Recovery ClassRoom’s “CrossTalk” Meeting for AA & NA!

I’m (Insert Moderator’s name)  & we’re glad you’re here!

Let us begin this meeting with a moment of silence for those still sick & suffering inside & outside of the rooms, followed by the Serenity Prayer.

The Recovery Class Room is a 501c3 non-profit organization supporting all pathways to recovery. Our primary mission is “to connect & engage with all who suffer from substance use disorders & to communicate a message of hope, healing & restoration”.

We’re not an AA group, nor an NA group. We’re just a collection of recovering alcoholics & addicts who like to meet & talk recovery; to celebrate our successes with friends, & offer encouragement to those who need a friend.  Everyone please take a second to look around the room.  You’re looking at your new friends!

Understanding that every person has different experiences, we firmly believe that everyone recovers differently. We encourage all who attend our meetings to find a pathway that works for them. We’re not interested in formalities, traditions & parliamentary rules. We’re simply happy you chose to attend & we want to make you feel welcome. For us, the new-comer is the most important person in the room.  

Although not endorsing any specific program, we have adopted the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous as our source of reference & their suggested 12 Steps as a guide for recovery & conversation. If you hear something shared that cannot be reconciled with the Big Book, please regard it as that individual’s opinion or suggestion. 

Please submit any topics for discussion in the Group Chat within the Zoom window, or feel free to speak up & have it added to the meeting agenda. Our moderators will open the floor to discuss. When speaking, keep your comments succinct, brief & limited to only a minute or two. We always want to hear from the newcomers & they are encouraged to speak more frequently.  Moderators will aide in guiding the conversation by engaging others within the room on the same topic. We ask everyone to be respectful of other people’s comments, even if you disagree & always let a newcomer speak first.  Any topics not discussed during this meeting will be discussed during the Recovery Classroom monolog on Facebook & Youtube.

Individuals who have achieved one or more years of sobriety, please raise your hand.  If you’re interested in getting clean & sober, please see one of these individuals after the meeting.

We rely upon contributions from participants to pay for expenses like rent, candy, coffee & other fees.  Donations can be placed in the basket in the to assist us in these expenses or even made online.  If this is your 1st time at a meeting, we ask that your 1st donation is a commitment to continue visiting recovery rooms across the area.

– Silence all mobile devices (This is mainly for Drew)
– Please be respectful of this meeting at all times.
– What you see here, what you hear here, when we leave here, let it stay here.
– We are not a dating service.  If your goal is to ‘hook-up’, you’re in the wrong place.

– Please help us grow our community by:
– Sharing this meeting with your friends & family.
– Joining our private Facebook group at: Recovery Class Room Private Group
– Follow us on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter (X)
– Visit our website at www.recoveryclassroom.org
– CrossTalk every Friday @ 7pm In-Person. 

If you’re ever in jeopardy of relapse, please call your sponsor immediately or reach out to another participant within this room.